815 / 1000
815. Car A is proceeding as shown in the picture. Which TWO of the following are the safest approaches to driving?

■ Car A is on a left-curving, two-lane (one lane in each direction) road.
■ A truck is stopped in the opposite lane.
■ There is a store on the right.
- As Car A may get thrown off the road while driving around the curve, drive over the yellow solid line.
- As there may be a car crossing over the center line to overtake the truck stopped in the opposite lane, be careful.
- To prevent a collision with the pedestrian in front of the store ahead on the right, proceed swiftly to the center line.
- As the driver of the parked truck in the opposite lane may cross the street suddenly, proceed with caution.
- As it is hard to predict all the risk factors on a curve, drive quickly to pass it.
Answer : 2, 4